Justified Means 1.1

Crauseon 95

Basically a toolbox.

Scroll through the Stack as fast as you can - as soon as you get stuff in hand or build up some Rig start running. As long as you can either trash stuff with Djinnified Magnum Opus or destroy ICE with Clone Chip Parasites you're good to go. That might take a few turns of drawing and building though!

Be careful of Strenght 5 Trash Program ICE. Those are your biggest fear. Against Scorched Earths make sure to have at least 1 I've Had Worse in hand, and try to destroy their hand at some point with Wanton Destruction.

There's a lack of Same Old Thing still, and I'm still thinking if Gordian Blade should be changed with Self-Modifying Code and Force of Nature (yes, really). I've found myself discarding Self-Modifying more often than not, though, even though it might be useful to fetch that Djinn early game...

Still in 1.1 stage. There's a lot to tweak here. Note a lack of D4V1D. Might be a problem.

A building toolbox. Don't be afraid to make some building turns. Against RP run often though to get those Sundews down!