Worlds 2019

Paranoid31 544

I solo brewed this IG list for 2019 Worlds. A meta where Freedom was very much a threat but not the most popular. In the end, there were eighteen Freedom players and eleven IG players. I was the only IG in the top 16. There were three Freedom in the top 16, and the 1st/2nd place finishers both played the aforementioned runner ID. The next two IGs were Kysra at 17th and analyzechris at 40th. This was Chris' list (I'm not sure if Kysra played the same list):


What a trash heap. A standard, somewhat slow IG that looks like it would be perpetually broke, trying to win some type of grindy game--in a meta where Freedom is a threat--in a meta where Kysra actually played both IG and Freedom. There's nothing special about it. There are two CSR Campaign, an abhorrently low-impact card. There are two Hedge Fund, because when I was already worried about the lack of economy in this deck, I see that there are only two Hedge Fund. Two of this card, one of that card, two of this one. No sense of direction -- of hatred -- of plans to kill the runner by turn five or sooner. Consistently.


I have three Chairman Hiro. That's right, motherfucker, THREE. I remember the old days when IG was a monster in certain metas. I remember the lists. It was always two Chairman Hiro. Look up these nerds Josh Wilson and Dan D'Argenio, apparent greats of the game. Their IG lists always had two or less. Do I care that you get two agenda points if you steal this card? Not if I have one singular goal in the game--merc your ass by turn five.

Three DBS: card draw, bitch. One of only two assets in my deck I will rez that doesn't signal the end of the game via net damage (Rashida Jaheem being the other). That's right--I don't ping you with damage with Bio-Ethics Association. I only rez my best card to kill you.

Three Psychic Field: this card is way better when you're only rezzing Bio-Ethics for a game win. More hidden information the runner has to deal with. The thirty-seven 419 players in the field are actually crying. Plus--slot machine card? I can sometimes win after one successful psi game? I like.

One Tech Startup, i.e., a fourth Ronin? MWL writers forgot about that one. By the way, six ICE, not seven, cowards.

Three Anonymous Tip: I'm going so fucking fast right now. I can guarantee you that I was the only Corp that played Anonymous Tip other than that one dude who finished 247th. I had players reading my cards, not the other way around, if you can believe it.

Three Dedication Ceremony. Curtains.

Do you know how many win conditions this deck has? I know your brain is trying to compute all of the possibilities. There are too many. And the deck is filled with only win-condition cards, all three-of copies. Avoid these one-ofs, two-ofs, waffling with card choices. Every card choice matters. SSL Endorsement instead of Fetal AI. The tiny boost in economy is more important; I tested it. This deck is so fast, it wins before a CI7 player can finish their combo. It can beat Freedom despite Freedom being a hard counter.

I was never in-the-know regarding the best meta decklists when I played Nationals and Worlds. I never tried to craft my own. I took well-known, but good, lists and fine-tuned them to my liking and what I thought was best. This list is different. Only idiots were playing IG in this meta. I built this myself and got 6th of 256. Playing it was one of the most fun experiences I've had in the game.


28 Oct 2024 Sokka


28 Oct 2024 spags

Was so happy to see you defend your title, on no practice, overseas, and still make the cut. Baller move from a player I always admired

28 Oct 2024 cranked

This might be the best deck writeup I've ever read.

I can guarantee you that I was the only Corp that played Anonymous Tip other than that one dude who finished 247th. I had players reading my cards, not the other way around, if you can believe it.

When your opponent has to read a card with only three words in its rules text, you have already won the game.

29 Oct 2024 rongydoge

i was also playing ig