"Mark, it's supposed to be either tempo or prickly, not both. You've ruined a perfectly good decklist."
What do you get when you cross two US Nationals top 10 lists? This baffling muddle which confuses everyone, especially me.
"Oh no. And what does a Yagi-Uda token do?" - a concerned @binarydogs
"What does a Yagi-Uda token do again?" - @binarydogs a couple of turns later
"Are you the one who puts tokens on Yagi-Udas?" - @laneford in the next game
"I thought it was a blank 3/2" - @eadipus in the bar later
In the five weeks between Worlds and UK Nats I'd spent exactly six days at home, and approximately zero time thinking about decks. With such great prep, I looked at the latest Palana lists here, and thought this would do.
On the day it was surprisingly good. It dropped an early game against a Liza when I found the ice but not the money to rez it. But then didn't lose again until I was one credit away from scoring out in the last round of Swiss, almost earning me a Top 10 finish, beating two other Lizas along the way.
Great event, great weekend, great company. Thanks everybody.
I'm 100% certain that I mentally lost this game as soon as you scored the yagi-uda with token. The remaining 20 minutes were just a mixture of fear and confusion while you scored out.