Needs Wyld Adjusting

deaddrop 53

A more running based Noise deck.

Idea was mostly to try and choke the corp by trashing assets and clearing out there hand forcing them to redraw. Running to check archives and force a Jackson is always a great move to push agendas back into their deck and also so you can get an idea of what you've milled and know what to exploit (no ice, no econ, card draw, kill tools etc.)

This came 3rd place in a GNK with about 18 players only losing one match on the day(final match) on turn 3 against Blue Sun (makde a run then milled something and went to three cards). Chronotype/Wydside was amazing when it was up. Hardly used the Gravedigger all day and Clot was a mill and 3 credits most of the time since NEH had vanished.