Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Koschei 140

District 99 is fun... The idea is to take options away from your opponent by removing things from Archives. You also have Stargate to filter their hand, I find that money is the best bet to keep from them (outside of agendas). Keeping the pressure on R&D and Archives will prevent them from scoring, and the money will endlessly come from District 99 to you because of the Boomerangs!!

Cards Of Note

District 99 - This lets you recur all your resource money. Cha-ching!!!

Archives Interface - Takes care of those nasty cards in archives that you don't want brought back, particularly by Spin Doctor!

Highjacked Router - Amazing vs those asset spam decks, and can help significantly with managing your opponent's money. It also feeds District 99!

Boomerang - Amazing card already, but bonkers because it feeds District 99!

Zer0 - Feeds District 99 with all the hardware/programs floating around in your deck and gives good tempo!

Console/Companions - Very good econ from these cards, and the MU lets you run Engolo.

Labor Rights - Lets you recur the non-faction cards.

Starting Hand

Look for Keiko/Paladin, District 99, Zer0, money.

Happy hunting!!!

Edit: I swapped out one Archives Interface for The Turning Wheel, so that's an option!