Évolution Numérique is sweet :)

Rmayper 21

This list is almost a complete copy of Diogene's : https://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/d07a6b27-4585-4bed-a1ac-b7073c82cb5a/-volution-num-rique-top-8-cbi-finals-2025-01-26

Playing with open decklists in the top cut definitely was rough, but I also could have played much better there. I think Diogene has a really solid idea here with the deck, and I went 3-1 with it across the whole Districts Champs. The kill element of the deck catches folks off guard in a way that isn't as common in our Colorado meta, and I snuck some wins in against much better players than I because of that surprise factor.

If folks play this moving forward, and if the knowledge of what the deck is trying to do picks up steam, I would consider leaning into a La Costa and Charlotte package, play regenesis over the SaM, and swap out Karuna and some number of Boto and Phoneutria for a more diverse ice package. Anemone is very important as Diogene said for creating remotes that kill. That said, you struggle to build a remote that can threaten the runner if they survive the first access of it. So creating a value engine in a remote or even trying to rez a Rashida can be very difficult. Like Diogene said, this deck is about flatlining the runner, but that gets much harder to do when people understand your ice package.

All that said, I think the deck is sweet and am excited to have played it for Districts.