Hot Gossip v4

JohnnyMilton 1052

I've been playing this Nero deck and it's pretty alright! If you like being stylish and playing new cards, take this for a spin.

Things I've learned playing this deck

R&D multi-access isn't as important when you have remote lock and you know what almost every card in HQ is.

Run on every unrezzed piece of ICE if you have a couple of Au Revoirs. They either Rez and you shrug (possibly using your ID power to jack out) or you continue the run for an access or to jack out anyway. Feeling out aggressively like this gives you lots of info about ICE Rez costs and can make for some strong denial if the corp starts rezzing everything.

Nero's ID ability is only really good when matched with this engine (like Jesminder and Maya, you have to start there).

The amount of info you get out of The Jack Out Engine is insane. Knowing everything that's going on makes Netrunner easier in a way that validates this ID. SMCs are here for Au Revoirs (or grabbing Zu.l3 for that Inazuma you just checked).

Playing new cards keeps Netrunner exciting.

Drug Dealer + Underworld Contact is like a mini WyldCakes. Your engine makes enough bank to pay for Drug Dealers too. Best in faction draw.

Aaaand Nero was Andromeda before his Rebirth. 100%. Just look at that art.

10 May 2016 JohnnyMilton

Having seen Nero and Andy are both in Mainframe... I'm gonna have to retract that last call