A (re)Boot up your Ass(imilator) 2-1 @ CTK

Toron 189

Rules Explanation:

This deck utilises a combo that relies on the following wording from the rules: "A card is empty when it is no longer hosting any counters of a type that were previously loaded onto it." (10.9.1) This means that if a card was never loaded with counters, it never becomes empty. Importantly, using assimilator to turn a card faceup does not count as installing it, and so the load ability never fires; thus the card never becomes empty. For Earthrise Hotel and Juli, neither require you to spend the counter in their text, they simply instruct you to remove the counter and do something else. Resolving as much as possible, their effects still happen even without counters.

(Thanks to LLBlumire for the succinct rules text.)

This deck went 2-1 at a local CTK and was hilarious to play. The combo… is awful. We’re paying 10 influence, 4 clicks, and 6 credits for an infinite Earthrise right as the game is about to end. Luckily on one occasion thanks to a lovely and incredibly slow SSO opponent I got to flip all 5 of Juli, Earthrise, Basilar, Curipira, and Paragon. Lovely!

Try it now before it’s too late!

7 Feb 2025 CephalopodWizard

Stop right there, rules criminal!

7 Feb 2025 Council

That's hilarious