Viral Express

wilk 18

This is probably a pretty standard Ken Tenma build, but it has been performing rather well for me (there is no reason it shouldn't have, as Anarcho-Andromeda has always been a very solid deck). Some of the previous versions ran Early Birds instead of the Emergency Shutdowns, but I didn't find Early Birds all that useful (although with Doppelganger one suddenly has six clicks for running ;) ). Sure, they were decent against HB, sometimes letting you click through some nastier Bioroid ICE, but they had to go - I found myself aching for an Emergency Shutdown far more often than I actually needed Early Birds very desperately. I am on the fence with Deus X - it is probably a metagame choice - I am wondering whether I wouldn't be better off with a Quality Time in that slot, but then again Deus X has proven its worth in many games. I have considered a singleton Sneakdoor Beta, but memory can be an issue if it is installed. I am not entirely happy with the click-intensive economy, but it gets the job done (hey, drudge work, but it pays the bills, remember? ;) ). Any thoughts on that and on any other aspect of the deck are deeply appreciated. On the whole, I find that deck quite solid.