Kit's Busy Day

joshimayo 8

First published deck! I've been rather pleased with the way this has been performing, so I thought it was time to get some feedback on it.

Inspiration for the deck came from this thread:

There are three parts to this deck.

The first is Oracle May; she more or less provides us with 2 credits and a card every turn. Guess "event" each time, seeing as how there are 36 of them in here (except if you used Test Run the previous turn!).

The second is Prepaid VoicePAD/Lucky Find/Dirty Laundry/Sure Gamble. Lots of money, and more if you can put the VoicePADs on the table before they're trashed by May.

The third is Kit/Test Run/Scavenge. Because we're playing Kit, a Test Run into a Torch means we can probably shut down early scoring attempts behind a single piece of ICE. If we're in a pinch, playing Test Run by itself is okay; on the next turn, guess "program" then use Modded to install whatever it was.

Getting May out early is essential. The next priority should be getting Torch out, then building the rest of your rig as need be. We've got three LARLAs, so drawing through the deck with Diesel and Quality Time should be okay.

25 May 2014 voltorocks

why does it show up as 10/10 influence when 9 of that is neutral?

25 May 2014 Ghandian

@voltorocks There is a Femme splash ;)

9 Apr 2024 module433mhz

That's great for the three parts.
433.92Mhz RXB12 RX Receiver Module RXB12