Whizzard's Work to Rule, 1st place Hamilton SC ( 14 players

sruman 132

Went 4-1 on the day with wins against NEH 3 times and Blue Sun once. Loss was to NEH. I realized at the end of the day that no corp ended the game with more than 2 ice left standing in any of the games (and usually only 1). I think FFG should, at a minimum, print a "cannot be destroyed" ice for each faction ala Architect. Very little to add about this deck that hasn't already been said. A few less-common elements

  • Employee Strike. Put in strictly to help with IG but ended up being just Faust food in 4 NEH matches. Will I keep it? Definitely. It just hurts so many corps so badly. Poor Blue Sun, they had to leave an oversight AI'd Curtain Wall up for 3 turns while I leisurely dug for my D4V1D to kill it.

  • E3. Combos so well with D4V1D and Faust given that multi-sub ice is a common approach to attempting to deal with Faust. A common additional benefit is taking most the bite out of bioroids.

  • Legwork. Probably the most flexible slot since you can just burn down the HQ ice and check hand 3 times. But it is very good against NEH on the turn you drop the Turntable.

Comments and questions welcome.

19 Apr 2016 MaximumSushi

Great looking deck Shane. Any worries about the low levels of recursion? No clone chips, 1 same old thing, no deja. No problems?

19 Apr 2016 sruman

@MaximumSushi Certainly I missed insta-killing with clone chip and suckers from time-to-time but generally no major issues on that front. In the double elims I choose to use my same old thing to Spoon a tollbooth with Levy in the bin and that almost came back to bite me hard when the medium digging did not seal the game as quickly as a I'd hoped. Luckily ended the game with 3 cards in hand and 0 in deck with a medium-lock.