"You can't get to heaven in a silver spoon
You can polish everything
except for the mark on you"
- Sleater-Kinney - All Hands on the Bad One
Band: Sable, Debbie, Bones (Class Act Records)
Get Virtuoso, Odore, Tremolo, Utae to work; for the music <3
It's silly, but it's been something I've been trying since I started Netrunner.
Finally switching over to Sable, in preparation for Quetzal getting rotated...I know, that sounds dumb, but porting Crim into Anarch felt better than spending Inf on Utae... and I also got to feel like a boss playing the coolest ID :b ... Having said that, I should've switched a long time ago lol.
Game Plan
Build a multi-access full-stack that makes those on tempo lead runs sound like money. We're always on the run playing events, so having someone money-savvy like Debbie is crucial to making sure we can go big when we need to, and somehow manages to make a couple bucks when she tracks down Bones for a band Meeting. The Penumbral boards keep the breakers grooving(Virtual), and we can use them to buy stuff on our charity runs. Gotta get a Tube Screamer to get those breakers cookin, download 100 hours of the Turtle and Maemi Coffee Time Hour Podcast for the road, and, with a little help from the record company, we should be ready to tour.
You really want either Debbie or Maemi to start the show. Gigging is how we make money. If we don't play, we don't make money. Try to hold onto extra Connections to make some money back with Meeting of Minds, but I wouldn't worry about it on the Virtual side; try to install those when you get them, to power Odore & Utae. There's no recursion (I was very very temped to add Rip Deal as the 46th), so whatever those Cybernetics hit, is gone for good. It's hard (for me) to get the Cybernetics down, but try to get Zenit down sooner; it really cranks up that run value. Don't go chasing the "dream rig". Run with clarity, run with purpose, run Chrysopoeian Skimming, it's a cool card.
- add second Zenit and give up on the dream of free Tremolo breaks
- maybe try adding back in a Kasi String
- is Turbine a crutch? There must me a better way to spend that inf.