Advanced Learning Deck 03

themeanlady 342

The goal of this set of decks was to create decks that a (gaming-competent) new player could learn with and then be able to use against non-new people. These are not core set only, but I tried to limit how many new packs were needed. I tested these with new players at an intro event followed by a casual GNK, and they were received well.

Probably the safer of the 2 corp decks I made, this one has a few fun tricks other than just playing a ton of ice to score behind. Make money with your campaigns, back up your big bioroids with ash and red herrings, close the game with a biotic... Nothing too spectacular, but it's relatively safe and consistent, which is important for a learning deck. Flood is hard to deal with when you are new, so the special reports are a must. Fundamentals first, then you can work on your bluffing game.