Stim Rig

djackman 982

The idea isn't new, but this deck has performed really well in the post-OC meta. Shapers didn't get much out of O&C, but they've still got game.

The idea is simple - utilize the end-game econ that opus provides with the burst econ from stimhack and modded. Lock down their remotes, use stimhack liberally, BOX-E to 'heal' some damage, and keep more stimhacks/legworks, etc in hand. You can play 3 stimhack and still be at 4 max hand size.

Against hugely dedicated damage decks, the stimhacks are somewhat optional, but I havent had any problems avoiding net or meat damage, or just soaking it. Using stimhack to trash high cost assets, install a femme, torch etc out of nowhere does a lot to prevent the damage coming in. Deus X, SoT and levy help out with the grindy Argus and PE games.

I think that modded is strictly better in this list than SG. Its not hard to get your opus out. Once its out, Sure Gamble is almost always a hit point. Along with stimhack, it also prevents the corp from mathing you out in the mid game - thinking you cant install that femme with only 3 credits and opus out. In the late game, sure, you might not want to install, but if you dont have things you want to install, you're probably set up to win.