Kill Ice Maniac (3:rd place SC Uppsala, SWE - 1st 3-1 swiss)

CeeTee2001 130

The deck that took me to a 3:rd place in the Store Championship in Uppsala, Sweden.

Here is the Corp deck:

22 Feb 2016 HolyMackerel

How has MemStrips and Turntable worked out? My initial reaction is "Why not Grimoire?"...

22 Feb 2016 HolyMackerel

Also, is there any way we can squeeze in Déjà Vu or Same Old Thing? Seems great to have with silverware, and Parasites.

22 Feb 2016 D4KEN

@CeeTee2001 i guess u modded the following deck

22 Feb 2016 CeeTee2001

@pang4 I tech:ed against a NBN heavy meta as a counter for Astrotrain. Though i never used it. My new version has Grimoir instead.

Also, my new version only have 1 forked and one knifed. and two Imp instead. I never used the Levy, perhaps that will go away too. Perhaps one more Clone Chip instead.

@D4KEN Actually no, i have been building my Kim for quite a while but it started as Quetzal, went through Whizzard and ended up as Kim. I saw that deck you posted and made some changes though. Mimic to counter the Komainus :) My version never have had Same Old Thing as well.

22 Feb 2016 CeeTee2001

It is actually a modded version of my Quetzal that i posted in 2015:

22 Feb 2016 AsteriskCGY

Has Run Amok played out?

22 Feb 2016 CeeTee2001

Run Amok worked well. When a Medium lock is in place, parasite in archives and faust plus Mimic installed it was a easy way in. One more way to trash ice. :) saved them in hand until lock is in place. :)

22 Feb 2016 AsteriskCGY

How about Kim? The asset spam I've been against has made his ability use kind of harsh. Though I see Run Amok as a great way to get back in centrals after the first few ice are trashed.