Sage Theory

MmmBraaains 463

The biggest decision to make with a deck like this is what console?

Dinosaurus Awesome, basically nets +4 strength on sage or +2 on Mimic. Downside: needs to be out before you play your breakers, making the setup process a little slow.

ToolBox Awesome Downside: slow and obviously expensive.

Deep Red +3 strength for cheap. No need for setup. Can run multiple copies because the influence isn't too intense. Downside: Does nothing for mimic, uses influence that can be used somewhere else.

Box-E Pumps the memory and increases the hand size without breaking the bank. Hand size boost also helps with the Jinteki matchup Downside: uses influence.

8 Jan 2015 SCPX

I've seen a lot of people do Dinosaurus for Sage, but I like that you're trying Box-E. I'd be curious to see how it goes. A thought for you: Dyson Mem Chip gives +1 MU and +1 link, which if you get some Underworld Contacts, can also help your credit gain. Also, are you going to use Data Folding when it comes out?

10 Jan 2015 MmmBraaains

Data Folding sounds like a no brainer! I haven't looked at any spoilers yet.

My first thought with the link was to also look into the cloud breakers too—just dont think its there yet.