Drug Addict Adam

wiShy 1

Stimhack - Used to push through and credits for SMC into what ever he needs.

The Maker's Eye - Got to run so may as well make it pay off.

Clone Chip - Recursion/that time you loss a Faust.

Plascrete Carapace - Don't want them but need them at times to feel safe

Dr. Lovegood - Use on drug dealer or to stop a run for the turn

Drug Dealer - His pancake party effect to fuel Faust

Public Sympathy - Might need 3 because you want one early or until you get Agendas.

Technical Writer - Great early drop to fuel you later

Faust - To good not to use when drawing 2 cards a round. Double click pass a wrap around until you get a inti.

Femme Fatale - Trolllllboooth.

Inti - Wrap around hurts to much.

Multithreader - Watch this card go in so many decks.... Why only 1 influence.

Self-modifying Code - Get that Faust.