Study Hard

MADiter 7

There are only one type of main icebreaker, Study guide(Decoder). So.. How can this deck break other ice? For that there are Paint Brush and ID ability. Turn all ices into codegate and break all that ices by using (super)Study guide. You can place power counter easily if you take 1 brain damage(4~5 power counter vs one brain damage.. not bad) or Lockpick(if there are at least 2 Lockpick, you can place 1 power counter per turn at no cost). After 8 counter or more in study guide(2 brain damage), can break almost all ice in server just few credits. If there are unrezed ice, use Forged Activation Oders. No FAO in grip? install Cripsis. If you spend too much clicks using PaintBrush, use Knifed to trash non-codegate ice. There are many problems in this teck. Lack of Influences is one of them. If you have any idea, please comment it