Maybe with 4 more Cupellation (2nd @ ECLIPSE)

AugustusCaesar 1852

Eclipse has most of the tools of eternal style geist. Clone chip restriction means program geist is hard to build, so we just play reg breakers and use the money and silly installs to pay for ice the fair way.

Notable absences from the eternal deck are: - Boomerang: probably the most missed card, Gbahali and Grappling Hook do an imitation, but they run out, and are more situational, but its what we got. - Masterwork: similarly, we cant have the infinite click console, not that we are sad to see Desperado, specially since we couldnt install boomerang anyway. Desperado + Hannah is a nice backup plan for money if the corp is really trying hard to tax you. (i would play less spy cams because of this, but i was real worried of glacier decks with our bad breakers, so i wanted the pseudo-mulitaccess spycam provides) - Syphon: it and tech trader are restricted so we cant have it. Doof does enough work to scare corps. - Same Old Thing: a bit annoying that we cant safeguard our ashens with an install, and it costs us 2 inf to play redundancy, but most of the time you'll have enough juicy.

Last minute Cupellations (added 12hours before tournament start): It doesnt work with Geist (jnet will try to give you the triggers, but thats jnet being silly, you will have to fix manually). But there are a lot of scary things out there, we cant money our way out of Oppos, we cant pay for IG assets, hostile architecture is a tax. Cupellation helps with it all and more, but it was not enough, the deck dropped 3 games only to one single deck, Jai's IG kill deck, but absolutely crushed all other opposition.