State Line Grid Runner Cube (4 people)

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Agasha 312

Draft Five Packs of 11 Cards Each

ID Choices - Based on Influence Most Influence

Anarch - Ed or MaxX Crim - Andy or Steve Shaper - Kate or Hayley

Starters: Sure Gamble x2, Armitage Code Busting x2

Available: Aurora, Force of Nature, Pipeline (x1 of each, as needed)

Ongoing Concerns (as of July 8, 2024):


Anarch: Reina and Ed are the only Anarch IDs with a Link. I think that Ed is more interesting, but Reina might be better? MaxX could be . . . Whizzard? Val? Val if there are issues with Gag and NBN Asset spam.

Crim: Andy and Steve seem fine and fairly balanced between the two. Recursion is strong - so is starting with 9 cards and a link. Some other option might include Los over Steve (2c per first turn ice rez - not shabby, but not super cool). Then we get into Silhouette / Fisk / Ken territory (not good) or Leela (probably too swingy). Andy is a strong link runner - we could be 419, Ian, or Nero. Andy is much better,

Shaper: Should Hayley be someone else with 0 link? Viable options are: Ayla, Chaos Theory, Smoke, Jesminder, Kit.