Tennin Lightning (1st, Auckland Vagabond Store Championship)

Fjord 1798

Still making quite a few adjustments to the deck so I'll hold off on an analysis until the next version. It's a very strange deck and hard to stop. I think the closest comparison I can make is Weyland Supermodernism with a fast advance phase 3 instead of flatline. It can also tax far better than Weyland because the fast advance means you don't have to defend HQ or the remote. It doesn't have tons of money but doesn't really need it, sitting at only 2 or 3 credits happens to be a reasonable Account Siphon defence.

19 May 2014 mplain

Do you ever make a remote? Or do you play shellgame? Seems hard to fast-advance a 5/3.

19 May 2014 Fjord

Kranse told me he just has Jackson remotes. I can understand where he's coming from and actually it improved my play but I ended up playing it a bit differently. Here's the usual pattern:

1) Get advancement tokens from the first turns. Ice centrals, a rush deck might risk quickly trying to score but that would be a bad move. The free advancement is more important. Also if you try to score early you'll be broke and can just lose the game.

2) Put out an Agenda, with two ice, standard Weyland move. Some combination that'll take two cards to get through. Inazuma+Ice Wall is a particularly good one. Might have to go broke keeping them out but you should be able to score it.

3) By the time you've recharged they've probably figured out your remote. Use the time to make R&D taxing with Komainu, Grim, Inazuma, Eli 1.0. Trick of Light out the next agenda.

4) At some point you've probably scored a Clone Retirement and are now at 5 agenda points. The remote comes back into play as they're forced to run everything. You can drag them through a couple ice into a Shock, Caprice, even an agenda if it'll open a scoring window.

5) If the remote runs didn't open a scoring window it at least kept them busy and you can set up for your last Trick of Light. Sometimes I needed to advance an Ice Wall manually here which shows you how important those early counters can be. The third Medical Breakthrough is also a possibility at this point.

Of course at any point one of the program destruction cards can fire off and kick you back to 2) for an easy score.

The 5/3 has a couple roles and I managed to pull them both off in the tournament. In one game it dodged a steal from R&D, it is amazing for this, I think better than NAPD. It's not just that they only have a 1/3 chance to steal, they also don't even get to play the game unless they have two credits left. In this case the runner had no credits left after breaking a Grim so I simply had to pay 1. Even better he ran my HQ half a dozen times trying to find it for another chance but I had discarded it immediately with a Jackson ready to go. In another game I demolished Andromeda's rig. Rototurret took out Faerie, then Shock sniped Corroder from hand, Mimic's Datasucker went down to 2 counters letting an Archer crush the rest of the rig. Didn't mind going back to 4 points because I had The Future Perfect which I safely scored behind Inazuma/Icewall. Also, although you can't fast advance it, Trick of Light can help disguise it. With two Trick of Light you wouldn't even need to advance.