Yet Another Swift Lat Deck

zombiak 93

1st place at Warsaw DC. The deck went 3-0-1 in DSS District Championship in Warsaw; Corp deck was Core Damage PD by @cmur2 (originally by @Toron)

Just a standard Swift Deep Dive Lat deck; went for Fermenter and Wheels over Cleaver/Miss Bones, and it still did a decent job against asset spam NEH. Tread Lightly is the spicy/silly include here since I got tired of playing 1x Bahia Bands, came in handy against remotes when playing against The Outfit and Core damage/MCA Thule, so it wasn't completely useless, but I guess Bahia Bands or Hush is overall a better spent influence unless you expect glacier decks.

Huge thanks to the TO @Matuszczak for organizing the event and shout out to other Netrunner players at District Champs in Warsaw, the attendance was stellar and hopefully we will go over 9000 for the upcoming Megacity in Łódź :)