tuno-ish Ob (1st at NANPC SF)

Ebrey 303

This list is mostly based on the Intercontinental version of tuno’s Ob, with a handful of changes:

I cut the Wall to Walls because they felt unimportant without Hearts and Minds to turn advancements into agendas.

I added an Envelopment to have a 5 coster to turn into Border Control.

I added a Tucana.

I added a Winchester.

I cut an Ice Wall.

Cutting three 1 costers might’ve been too much as I did fail to find a valid target when trashing a Marilyn once, but overall I was pretty happy with the deck. It beat Kit and Ken, then lost to a Lat that found all its breakers and turbine very quickly while I did not find any border controls. I beat the same Lat in the finals in a complete reverse, where I found all 3 BCs and they had to draw 2/3 of their deck to get their first breaker.

My runner was also a tuno-based list, Accidental Esa.

22 Jul 2024 Kenhie

Such an interesting version of Tuno's ob deck! The tournament was fun and huge congrats on getting first place! Hopefully next tournament we can play face each other :D

(P.S. Your tip about Azef Protocol -> Marilyn -> The Powers That Be was huge, I was able to trigger it in one of my games haha)

22 Jul 2024 jan tuno

:3 good job!

22 Jul 2024 Ghost Meat

Whoa, congrats on taking down NANPC SF, Stephen!