Either Way

Qban 1

This deck went 3-1 in a local tourney. It only lost to a player that play tested it a few days before the event.

The idea behind this deck is runner punishment. Don't run? I get an advancement. Run? I get a credit for every successful run with Paywall Implementation. Face check an ICE? Hit a Chum'd nasty ICE. Get flatlined or watch as I slowly score out.

My goal is to ICE up and put out a scoring remote. The main agenda to score is Utopia Fragment. Once that it scored I can Mushin/Trick of Light a NAPD/Fetal and put a cheap ICE in front to keep it from being stolen at 10/8 credits respectively.

Now if I don't see what I need I can depend on Snares in R&D to keep them guessing. Maybe Mushin out a Ronin/Reversed Accounts to force card draw or Econ bust.

The ice in this deck is cheap and punishing for runners that like to go in blind. Chum most of these ice is going to cause enough to kill with a Snare.

I run a slow game taking credits to rez ICE. I'll throw a sundew in the scoring remote til I get an agenda and let the credits roll in.

I might make a few adjustments for the upcoming store championship for cards that felt dead in my hand. Reversed accounts etc. I think with the new meta of O&C this deck is no longer playable.