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I've been playing around with this deck extensively over the last few weeks online, and I like it. It's based on a few fundamental principles:

  1. Temujin contract is crazy good, so open servers are an inherent trade-off.
  2. With asset-heavy decks still around and people packing anti-CTM tech, being dependent on asset economy is risky.
  3. Biotic labor + money = early scores and pressure on the runner.
  4. High priority upgrades and assets can have a dual purpose: advancing your win condition and taxing the runner clicks and credits.
  5. HB still has amazing ice and Fairchild 3.0 is incredible.

This is a fast advance deck that can transition into a taxing glacier deck. I originally had two SanSans, but this didn't allow me the best arrangement of ice, so I tried cutting down to one. It turns out that biotics can more than hold their own in the fast advance game if SanSan gets buried.

With most games I am able to rush out the first two agendas with some combination of biotics, SanSan, or never advancing behind a single ETR ice. The deck seems to consistently provide those first 2 agendas with some way to score them out before the runner can build much of anything.

After that you should still have enough money to make the key servers (usually R&D and a remote) sufficiently taxing to slow down the runner.

The win can either be gained through scoring a GFI during a scoring window, or fast/never advancing two more 2 pointers.

The entire deck is fast, but keeps the runner slow. Fairchild, Ichi, and Architect make facechecking particularly troublesome, so runners are hesitant to rush early. You have two Cyberdexes to slow down the Clot and Medium game. Ark Lockdown can snipe out the clot, or barring that, Paperclip/Black Orchestra.

Ash and Crisium haven't seen a lot of use in testing, so I'm considering swapping them out for either more speed or econ.

My goal designing this deck was to have a straightforward approach: don't worry about asset combos or fancy tricks. Have money, ice, agendas, and a way to score out quickly and consistently.