Titan Fast Advance

techieAgnostic 7

New to Corp Deckbuilding, hoping for some advice. Worried I may be mixing up early and late game strategies.

Try to secure a SanSan and Atlas-Train out the win. Also has Crisium / Off the Grid to help.

Landing an early takeover enables Archer / Enforcer.

Main Ice choices are Spiderweb to Tax Lady counters, Archer / Enforcer for surprises.

2 Sep 2015 llama66613

Archer is much, much better than Enforcer, and doesn't cost you any influence.

The problem with pure fast advance Titan is that if they steal two Atlases, you're out of a win condition. You're left with porous servers and just wait to die. However, if you have other win conditions, such as rushing out agendas, the ability to SEA Scorch, or snares, you have a much better chance of making it to 7 points or flatline.