Heap Overlord

ttdlx1989 2

Draw like a madman. Steal from corps all day. Next day, do the Same Old Thing and draw and steal. Publicly execute Komainu and Swordsman for being Parasites. Care about tags, or don't. Recur stuff from heap over and over. This is Heap Overlord(mind) life.

Mulligan for Turn 1 Magnum Opus, or for Code Siphon + Overmind. Almost always play draw cards first unless you have no credits. You may hit Modded and save big. Or even just get some straight money cards. Code Siphon for MO asap, before more ice shows up on R&D. If R&D is open, judgement call on grabbing Leprechaun or Chakana instead. Keep in mind that they don't know what your breaker suite is yet, so getting MO and just buffing up is usually the best decision. Then they'll put down silly ice like Mother Goddess or Chimera and think it's safe.

Overmind goes on Omni-Drive. Fit as much as you can on Leprechaun, especially MO. Feel free to Scavenge/Clone Chip onto it, since you probably have MO installed first. Another free draw for Exile.

Same Old Thing targets: Account Siphon and Quality Time. SoT+QT is still one click+ more efficient than straight drawing 5 cards with MO, click-even with old-fashioned credits, and much better if you have VoicePADs lying around. That being said, Lawyer Up is a cantrip if you have two unused PADs. Worth playing even if you have zero tags.

Don't be afraid to Levy early if you're not hitting your draw cards. As long as you have a decent amount of hardware out, you should see very few non-quality draws the 2nd time around.

Also don't be afraid to Scavenge Overmind early. Better to 'waste' a counter than find you have none when it matters during a run. Unless you have a Clone Chip with another Overmind in heap.

MINDGAMES: Corps don't know what to expect. Overmind might be just your stand-in breaker, and they will rez stuff just to try and get you to waste counters. Another surprise factor: you can potentially Account Siphon 15x in a single game if everything goes your way. Chakana is also best when you can drop it and run R&D 3x in a row. That's why there's no interfaces in this deck; don't want too much ice on there.

Other considerations:

  • Datasucker. We don't really want more programs. Need to have as much MU free as possible.
  • R&D Interface. Already mentioned that we do not want their R&D shored up.
  • Indexing. Might be worth an add, but already at 47 cards
  • Femme Fatale. Will need to cut something for this, but amazing for Komainu, Tollbooth, etc.