HB: Barrier Destruction

omegalife2002 3041

Ice up with barriers, kill Corroder with targeted destruction. Score behind a wall.

Swordsman is there to try and deal with AI breakers and should only be put out when you see them hit the table. Because all the destruction ICE is Sentry, you should only rez Barriers in order to bait them into dropping the Corroder. Once that is out, start surprise destroying them!

21 Dec 2013 PeekaySK

So, like, where's your 3x Aggressive Secretary, man? ;)

30 Dec 2013 omegalife2002

lol, couldn't fit it in!

I'll admit this seems kind of janky, and it really requires some careful planning, but I haven't lost with this deck yet (though it has come closer than expected some times). I have found most people only run 1-2 Corroders for breaking barriers and, unless they are Shapers, ditching those can break their back.

I need to playest more, but so far it seems solid. :) In the latest version I ditched the Power Shutdowns for Restructures and lost the Chimera's to up the counts on other ice.