Michael Palin

phlip45 281

My take on the Reuse + Panic Button deck.

This is the part where I will work through the money to cards ratio you need to be sure you get the combo. If I have panic button out and reuse in my hand, then I need to have X credits, where X is the number of credits left in my deck. If I Reuse first while panic button is down then I need X cards to discard where X is half the number of cards in my deck. After starting hand and mandatory draw there are 43 card in the deck. On average you will draw three cards and then play an econ card to pay for having those cards in hand. So you imagine about the time that you have 22 - 28 cards in the deck you will have enough cards to ditch to Reuse first. After about 4 or 5 turns you should be able to do it.

Unless you are running against Kim you don't really need to ICE HQ, Just ICE R&D and play operations until you get a panic button and a reuse. On your next turn install panic button and play reuse trashing all your money, card draw, and ICE. The runner will almost certainly run your HQ next turn because they will be sure you have agendas in hand and that it will be dense. It probably will be. That is when you rez panic button and draw AS MANY CARDS AS POSSIBLE (until you get SEA Scorch and Reuse, or archived memories, and probably a few extra.) If the runner gets even 2 agendas you should be okay. Next turn you Reuse, Biotic, SEA Scorch if they have less than 4 cards, or Reuse, Biotic, Biotic, SEA Scorch Scorch if they have more. You pray they don't have Plascrete. The End.

After you Reuse and install panic button the first time, if you have SEA Scorch in hand and they don't run HQ, feel free to start scoring out an agenda and then just kill them next turn.

After you Reuse and install panic button, if they don't run and you don't have combo, just continue playing until you draw