Peddler Painter

Lodan 394

So here's my take on a Kit Paintbrush deck:

Obviously, you get out Torch as soon as possible and put it on Dinosaurus. There are plenty of ways to get Torch out cheaper: Modded, Test Run + Scavenge, Test Run + Eureka. Scavenge can also be used if you get Torch out before Dinosaurus to move it over.

A 6 strength Torch should get you through the early game. Get Omega out and you're good through mid-game. Paintbrush is there for late game when the servers are stacked more than 2 ice deep.

Econ: The usual pairing of Katie Jones and Professional Contacts. Hostage is there to pull them if you need to.

A few explanations of some other cards:

Creeper is there just in case they make a super server that has unrezzed ice and you're afraid to face check something. While it's not the most efficient killer (to say the least), if you have enough money you can force them to rez without too much fear (remember the ice must be rezzed to Paintbrush it).

Speaking of that, the Forged Activation Orders (and Same Old Things) are there to ensure that ice gets rezzed (or trashed) before you have to face plant into it.

One copy of Escher to make more ideal R&D runs if necessary.

R&D Interface for R&D lock. Run around and break everything.

Breaking Archer for 4 with Dino-Torch is awesome.

Hope you enjoy the deck.