Weyland - Everybody Hates Us, And We Don't Care

lolpaca 1247

Adaptation of my earlier Weyland deck, minus the stuff that removes bad publicity. It's big, big money driven by lots of bad publicity, and with Off the Grid you can focus on protecting just your 3 central servers with some very tough and expensive ice.

I went from GRNDL to BABW because I wanted some extra influence for a couple of Toll Booths. I also plan to mix in some Elizabeth Mills & Veterans Programs some time to see if reducing the bad publicity helps even a little, but for now I'm going full LOL IDC :)

Feedback appreciated!

22 Mar 2014 bubo

I've been thinking about this version overnight for a bit, and I'm not as fond of it as I am of the GRNDL version you had previously.

The switch to BaBW may net you more influence, but it removes the 5 click economy start that GRNDL brought you. Your Restructure ops cannot be played turn one anymore, and you need to pack sub-5 cost ICE (Bastion) to cover yourself while you build up to 10 cost ICE levels. This hurts you late game as the early game ICE is a roadbump to the bad publicity levels that you'll be carrying.

Citing influence as the reason to switch sees a possible misplay in Wotan. Wotan is a nice piece of ICE when you can rez it, but it does suffer from the fact that it's a Unique card. You can only have a single copy in play (although multiple copies in the deck are fine). Considering the high influence cost of Wotan, I would only run a single copy in this deck. Dropping the second copy frees up enough influence to switch back to GRNDL, which also allows for an ICE rebalance back to the high levels I recommended in the previous versions. If you switch back, I would again look at Successful Demonstration over Beanstalk Royalties. You'll be able to fit one, and all three if you drop one of the Tollbooth.

I'm not so confident that Simone Diego is going to pull her weight in this deck. With the economy engine built into here, the recurring credits are going to be a relatively minor impact on your game at the cost of a click. There's a similar issue with Melange Mining Corp, while it's a nice economy pop, it's very expensive in terms of clicks. Between the 9 transaction ops and the economy agendas, Melange and Simone just doesn't seem to be as appealing as other plays in the deck.

Take a peak at the GRNDL 0.4 build that ncaron posted recently, marrying the GRNDL economy with some Runner face punching. It may give you some ideas for new directions to take your GRNDL builds.

24 Mar 2014 lolpaca

Woah, I never noticed Wotan was a unique :P Ah well, that makes it easier to switch out! Cheers for the advice again