
Diogene 4240

Gravedigger multiaccess. That's the game plan. This is inspired from Klokotze deck GNAT U, which aim to deck the corp. That (nearly) runless deck is really a great way to learn some interesting facets of the game, I recommend it.

How does it goes. First, the setup : Friday Chip (as many as possible), Knobkiery, Imp, Gravedigger (as many as possible). You run any remote and you trash it. Put a virus on Imp if there is only 1 or on Gravedigger. You'll get virus tokens on Friday Chip from any trash, even when using your ID when you run R&D or HQ.

Then you use Gravedigger to trash an R&D card. Next turn, put a virus from Friday Chip on Gravedigger, and repeat the process. Each card you trash from R&D is a card denied to the corp. It all goes in Archive, waiting for you to come, every 4 turns or so. If you're lucky, you score some agendas.

The rest is the usual stuff. Turning Wheel will get you some multiaccess, for an aggravated assault on centrals. Hippo let you trash an ice and score some virus token on Friday Chip.

There is Creds in this Deck : Daily Cast, PAD Tap, Dirty Laundry, Paladin Poemu, Day Job, Sure Gamble, Professional Contact, for a total of 20 cards out of 45. Paladin has 24 targets, that should keep it busy.

Special Order let you tutor the icebreaker you did not get earlier. This is to ensure you get the whole suite in the heap ASAP.

With all this, you can deal pretty efficiently with asset spam. Any run will usually deal some damage to the corp. Your ID is extraordinary here, as it saves you Imp tokens and make you a superb early aggressor. Denying the corp its revenues from econ operation is very strong. But trashing that Punitive feels good.

If the game goes long, you'll probably deck the corp, using Gravedigger. The hardest matchup should be Glacier. Hippo will help you with that, to an extend. Imp will also help, if you get it early, by trashing ices, if you're lucky. This is not the fastest deck, but it is rather resilient. To accelerate it, I took out Liberated Account and Mining Accident.