Threat Removal v1.0

paddosan 3408

The obvious objective of the deck is to slow and disrupt the Runner's game by trashing his programs, and eventually some other cards as well.

The ICE selection has been made primarily with that in mind, so you have 11 pieces which have a Trash a Program subroutine (or can acquire it, like Swarm). The rest has been picked trying to find a way to counter Atman heavily, since most of those trash-o-matic sentries have the same STR value.

NEXT Bronze is perfect as an Atman counter and is very efficient for just 2 credits, then there's Ice Wall which can be advanced as much as you need and works perfectly as a counter as well.

Tollbooth just to do what it always does: make 'em spend a lot. A single Data Raven because I had 2 influence points left and I could have added an Archer, but with just 2-3 points Agenda and plenty of targets for Priority Requisition already, I didn't wanna have something I cannot rez.
Data Raven can scare the Runner and if not, can provide a way to trash his resources, so it kinda fits with the theme.

Experential Data is very good to bring the sentries up to STR 6 to make Ninja pay much more to pass them, and can also act against Atman.
I know, you're asking: "do you really need that many Atman counters?". Maybe not, but I tested the deck against an Atman-centric Runner, so...
31 Oct 2013 haiku80

Ciao Paddo,

why not use aggressive secretary (direct trash) or cerebal overwrite (indirect trash) instead of 1 adonis and 1 private contracts?

3 Nov 2013 paddosan

Ciao! ;)

I'm not a fan of Asset traps, to be honest!

Thing is, I'd have to use them in late game, when I have more Agenda points than the Runner and he is forced to come and check. But the deck doesn't really work that way.

What you really have to do with this deck is build a small time advantage by trashing some of his cards with Grim/Ichi/Swarm or even Rototurret, just so you can advance an Agenda as fast as you can. During the test games I've played against recycle-heavy decks, and still managed to trash loads of their stuff. The balance is delicate, though, and you really need to place your ICE carefully, since most don't have an End the Run subroutine.

This being said, the deck performs quite well once you get the hang of it.

Bad Publicity CAN become an issue, though, so I'll definitely update this build adding Rex Campaign, when True Color's will be out.