Mixed ASA

HiddenAway 1015

The basic plan for this deck is to score out quickly before the runner can set up. It did well in online testing but during the Preston Store Championships (12th), I could only rush out once against Sunny and it went 1-3. However, I feel that I made mistakes in at least 2 of the games which contributed to the deck's demise. For example, rezzing an FC3 during a Stimhack attempt when there was a Ikawah project in the remote and the Stimhack was attempted last click. Also did not ice central servers against aggressive runners like MaXX and Omar.

The ice is very expensive to rez so possibly swapping some of the ice with Enigma's may help. Ash could get swapped out for Strongbox to help with the Mason Bellamy play (without Film Critic, you can't steal Ikawah from a 3-deep remote in Mason Bellamy is in the server - with Strongbox, this reduces to 2-deep). I'd also swap out the single Marilyn for a 3rd NGO Front as it gives a better return...

Calibration Testing to score Vitruvius from hand at 5 credits using ASA's trigger.

published by AlwaysBeRunning.net