Idiot Savant

mawa 448

Wow I never thought I'd be playing this game again. This is a Big-rig shaper deck: facecheck nothing unless you have to, draw until you have your rig complete. Against kill or tag decks you're also waiting for Film Critic and New Angeles City Hall, against rig-shooters you want Film Critic, against Net-damaging decks you want Feedback Filter, and against Caprice Nisei or Marcus Batty you want Vamp. If you want those card, you want it in your Bios. (Other than that, your bios picks are your rig, your connections, R&D Interface and Peace in Our Time. Don't take the discount events.)

So the gimmick here is that your full rig should have a 6 strength Savant, (which is what puts this deck above Sage before it) which will beat everything in the meta with only a few notable exceptions. I have yet to run out of Lady counters.

There's plenty of other stuff to say about this deck, but I'll let you guys ask me it in the comments. I'd love to hear your suggestions and questions!