[EMEA Startup 4th Place] Prepaid Addict (feat. AirbladeX)

zombiak 93

The title says it all - the deck is a variation of the Prepaid Addict deck by DoubleK, modified by @Toluvel in this list: https://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/39afbe5d-7c0c-422b-b7e3-920475b012a9/-startup-prepaid-addict-s-inside-job-2nd-warsaw-co

The only change was swapping a Telework for AirbladeX, which proved to be indispensable in a T-1001/Funhouse/Clearinghouse/BtL matchup against @l0velace (well played! Was lucky that on the verge of a Clearinghouse kill, my answers came not once, but twice)

Haven't played an Ashen Epilogue a single time during the preparation or the tournament though, and run out of cards only once. Arguably, it might be a flex slot.