Comrade-ish CTM 1st Place Ground Zero SC

FoilFlaws 1105

Calibration Testing has been a topic of debate among CTM players. I removed a PAD Campaign and Psycho for them. I like them and think they are useful as another bait to force the runner through the remote and it's a way to score a bit easier when the runner is on game point. I don't think they are necessary though, so play with them and see if it works for you.

The only other change, I think, is 3 IP Block/2 Resistor. IP Block is just a bigger tax esp vs Aumakua.

My wife and I played the same list. She was 3rd and her only loss as corp was to my Val, thanks to Turntable and a lot of luck. She played against: Pawnshop Hayley, Omar x2, Leela, Val.

I played against Omar, Pawnshop Hayley x2, Smoke. I lost to Omar and Pawnshop Hayley once. My memory isn't the best but in at least one of my losses I made a bad mulligan decision. I would make no changes to this list.

We had 8 players and did a top 4 cut because a 3 round SC with no cut is lame. I was top of swiss and went undefeated in top 4.