Blitz Running PPvP Kate

Calimsha 2837

The latest iteration of my PPvP Kate deck. It's pretty straighforward. Setup a minimal rig, run like hell and win before the corp got all his servers protected :)

5 Dec 2014 bblum

still 46 cards huh ;)

5 Dec 2014 Calimsha

Yup and i'm totally fine with that. I think my performance in the league should be a good indicator on how good this deck is :D

14 Dec 2014 tyrellian

When you've got as much tutoring as Shaper has, I don't think card count matters as much (test run, scavenge, clone chip, Self Mod). Great deck :)

23 Dec 2014 JJones1090

I'm currently working on a similar build. How often have you found yourself wanting a permanent sentry breaker besides mimic for dealing with stuff like archer? I know we've got sharpshooter, but you can only recur that so many times.

I have considered cutting a stimhack for a femme (not as exciting w/o test run though). What are your thoughts here? Another card on my wish list is escher (could really help mid/late game) but I just don't see a way to squeeze it in.

5 Jan 2015 Calimsha

Almost never ;). I tend to parasite Archer on the spot. Either the ICE goes after a couple of turn into the Mimic Range, or it's bounce off and the corp lost an agenda.

25 Jan 2015 Crunchums

46 cards in Shaper can be solid (I like it here, for example), but I think it's wrong here due to the PPVP econ. Most of the time I lose with PPVP Kate it's due to not drawing sufficient econ, and you really want the PPVP early. I think you should cut Plascrete: a lot of meat damage decks run Taurus (which you can't break) and you are capable of keeping up with the corp economically anyways.