Weyland - Teaching Deck

DarkMite2 329

This is a deck I use to teach new players. I focus mostly on each card type – agenda / asset / ICE / operation / upgrade more than combos. There is no flat line / kill strategy, tagging, or traces. There is ICE that can be advanced, but I wait until we’ve played a couple of games to explain it.

24 Jun 2015 Thomas Haas

Teaching decks are so fun to build! This one definitely looks educational. A couple things to consider (since there's so many things in Netrunner):

  1. Caduceus - Teaching lessons about trace/tax/link/permeable ICE (I might swap out the pop-up's for these since they serve similar roles.)
  2. Snare/Scorched/SEA Source/Aggressive Secretary - As far as playing as/against corp is concerned, new players should come to understand the relevance of traps and alternate win conditions. One of the most invigorating and educational experiences for a new player is setting up an Aggressive Secretary trap and creating a very tangible scoring window. [Cards to remove to make room could be Will O' The Wisp and Paywall Implementation]
  3. Other cards worth considering:

- Adonis Campaign - Green Level Clearance (Core Weyland!) - Fire Wall (instead of Hive) - Geothermal Fracking/Oakland Renovations (4/2's that make money are pretty standard in Weyland) - Thomas Haas (The best card in A:NR)

Happy building!

25 Jun 2015 DarkMite2

@Thomas Haas Thanks for the input. However, if you read the description I intentionally do NOT teach about tagging / traces / flat line / traps on purpose with this build. I have a version 2.0 of this deck that goes into those aspects after the new player understand the basics.

I have used this deck to successfully teach a good number of new players. You are correct that Oaktown Renovations is better than NAPD. I haven't updated this build in some time. I just published it so a FB friend could find it.