Valencia's Medium-level Jank

BountyHunterSAx 54

Make no mistake - this deck is janky. There are ~5-6 things you're likely to encounter which it simply cannot deal well with ("Weaknesses"). But apart from that, it can and does win. Usually in a hillarious fashion. And it does things which your opponent will almost certainly not expect.

The Goal:

Set up 3x medium, Hive-on-Progenitor, and either VBG/Incubator. Pump it up, and make a blackmail'd glory-run on R&D to access 16-25+ cards. Typical timing: Turn 7-10.

The Method:

We're on the Valencia plan thanks to her blackmail run meaning we will - typically - not need a breaker for our glory-run. Problem is, we're now building a janky-combo deck with a 50 card deck. We're gonna need lots of card draw/dig: Street Peddler (3) + IHW (3) + QT (3) + Earthrise (1) + Inject (2). 47 cards to draw; and about 1/4th of the deck composed of them. This solves the slowness/consistency problem as best as I think you can.

But wait! Drawing all those cards, how are we gonna get the money to keep them all installed/in-hand? Personal Workshop, naturally. A quick and dirty way that lets me empty out my hand of these programs for a click each, AND earns the equivalent of a credit a turn.

But let's talk finances. Our core combo requires installing Progenitor (0), Mediumx3 (9c), Hivemind (3c). And either incubator (3c) or VBGx2 (4c) -- or both. +Djinn typically (2c). ~21 credits. Not to mention needing cash for the card draw which often amounts to ~10 credits more. We've got some burst-income and Daily Casts in there -- these definitely help with keeping things rolling. But the real gem is 'stimhack'. Just wait till you've got enough floating on the shop, then blow your brains out and make the 10c mass-install run on some non-R&D server.

So much for setup.

Weaknesses: In order of seriousness

6.) Pri Req / ABT: The abililty to rez-ice outside your ability to respond is awful for this deck. With ABT, it's difficult to really stop. You can't realistically run every facedown without slowing yourself down too much. But then, ABT is a risk for the corp too if it misses. We do run a singleton of Faust to help deal with it if they happen to rez some mid-tier ice on us. PriReq we can deal with. It's a 5-advance. Not a very fast-advanceable agenda. And thanks to blackmail we most likely CAN snipe it from a remote. So bear your outs in mind against HB.

5.) Red Herrings, Cyberdex Virus Suite. These are irritating, but have to be dealt with. Blow a blackmail. Or SoT blackmail. Or Deja-Blackmail. to get in. Use your cash to trash all the upgrades. Jack out. You typically will be able to rebuild and recur faster than they'll find their upgrades again to reinstall them.

4.) Ash Same as above, except worse. You aren't typically running neough money to compete with its trace. So god help you if they're stacking multiple upgrades. At the very least, you'll be able to stack the medium with your run. The issue with this one is that it's VERY prevalent. So just be ready for it.

3.) NAPD Contract: This is an agenda you often will not be able to steal. Sucks. I've considered slotting in an imp just to deal with this one since most every corp could still be running it. That said, it is ALSO a 5-advance vs. your bad-pub. So...ya'know... two steps forward, two steps back for them. And if you DO get off the 20-access, then odds are good you'll see not only this agenda but also all the other more-stealable ones.

2.) Spiky R&D's Snare. Shock. Fetal. These things ALL hurt in R&D and thanks to your deep-dig you'll almost certainly hit them all along the way. Assuming the corp is JUST doing 2-3x snare (pretty typical) your odds are pretty solid going with 3 cards and just hoping you only hit two of them before getting 7 points. If you have 3 cards and one is IHW, you'll not die to 3x snare. That said, some corps - esp. Cambridge-PE style ones run a "spikier" R&D. You have no realistic hope of taking sublethal net-damage in these cases. Your best bet is to either modify your goal to aim for 2-3 rounds of 7-8 access runs, OR hit Quality Time with an IHW in hand before running so you have a massive handsize to tank it.

1.) Caprice Nisei. and Jinteki:RP.

Just, RP. Period. Your advantage here is that they are slow to build. That is where your advantage(s) end. They run both ash and caprice. Caprice which straight up hard-counters this strategy as it's a 1/3 odds after which your glory run most assuredly will fail. But RP has even more up its sleeves to make this hard for you. They are gonna try to score Nisei Mk2 -- which they can use at any time to end your glory-run. It's almost as severe a win-condition for them as Caprice on R&D is. They will undoubtedly have Sundew money against you; so ash-trace will be VERY hard to beat at all times. And even if everything you pray for happens and you DO get the glory-run turn 7 with no upgrades to stop you. You still must face the bitterness of 3x The Future Perfects, 3x NAPDs -- none of which will be easy to steal. Still -- doing this and trashing as many upgrades / stealing as many Nisei Mk2's as you can find from the deck is your only shot at winning.

All in all a fun deck that I don't think will ever be truly competitive. Enjoy!