I'm a BIG GIRl now!

Oathwood 241

This deck is all about heavy Ice Breakers. See past the install cost and focus on the numbers. All these breakers cost almost nothing to use compared to other breakers, and will get you in almost everywhere with about 10 credits on you.

The key feature in this deck is Test Run. Your goal is to get that card as fast as possible, and to your aid you got Professional Contacts and Diesel. When you have it, use it together with Scavenge to lower the install cost of our 7-9 credit breakers. You will land on about 3-5 credits per breaker, and have the freedom to choose wich one. Same Old Thing makes the Test Run combos even easier to score.

At a first, the ecenomy can look a little on the low side, but once you have your Magnum Opus and Kati Jones up, you will never have to care about the money.

26 Mar 2014 billfarty

where is prof con??