Genetic Discrimination

x3r0h0ur 8976

V2 of Blacklisted by Genome. I've gas pedaled it a bit, this plays slightly faster, but still a bit of a slog. More damage sources, more chances to knick off essential cards, and just absolute piles of cash. The deck just grinds the runner out. Interns could be a 3 of with how much of a house it is.

I've elected to remove HoK which makes me a little sad, but the agenda mix is a pretty big nightmare for the runner, because even medical breakthrough being scored progressively pushes the runner into running harder, or else I'll draw it and get 2 points fast advance style.

This could be, maybe, too much money, whatever money I cut, will go into hokusai grids, because that's even more madness. Will test with hokusais. Right now I've lost 2 games with this since it's last version. On quite a heater IMO.

Also I'm forking a SanSan City grid pure FA version....

27 May 2015 Dydra

Do you know if you are able to share deck privately? I would show you my Genomics deck, since I'm sure that we can exchange a lot of feedback, but I don't want to make it public yet. :)

The deck is with a bit of a different spin, but from what I can tell ... Program trashing with Blacklist decks is good. :) I think Ash is pretty great as well.

In my deck I'm playing a bunch of other high influence stuff though, so I'm not sure that I can incorporate 1 or 2.

I, personally, am not a big fan of MHC in this. You aren't going for a flat-line deck, but if you simply let them handsize to 8, then they won't trash things while digging for their pieces.

Also the Agenda spread is a bit interesting. I'm playing Fetal's in my deck too, but for entirely different reasons :) I don't see why you would have Fetal here, instead of NAPD, unless hoping for some lucky, unexpecting, flatline ( again, which you don't compliment with the MHC).

If you have enough money, personally that would be the first one to go :)

27 May 2015 x3r0h0ur

I am not heavily focused on program trash, but if it happens, awesome. I didn't want to commit to strongly to any 1 strategy (flatline, tax, or destruction), and the mix has been quite good. The runner doesn't really get a guess on your plan.

MHC is great for getting out of the gate and slowing the runner down, you have 0 to rez and 3+ to trash, its great. I don't care to flatline the runner, they can have all the cards they want. Plus it has a nice synergy with komainu.

Fetal is mostly to act as addition damage in hand until I'm ready to score it. This allows me to underprotect HQ a lot, especially vs leela, who will instinctively legwork HQ a lot of the time when I'm scoring TFP (to bounce it and stop me). Often my hand is 2 snare and 1 fetal or fetal, snare, shock. Then it can also work to force the runner to keep cards after tsurugi/komainu, or just draw up before running the remote. Also they have to end the run with 2 credits, which is yet another tax. It also helps in RnD to act as a TME and deep dig deterrant, saving me ice for my remote. Fetal is just very good at protecting, and it can also damage away important cards. I typically will only have 1-2 MHC online anyway, and very often runners don't sit at max hand size anyway...possibly due to komainu existing.

I think there is a way to private share decks, but I'm not sure how. I'd be happy to take a look though, I'm really trying to iron this one out.

27 May 2015 rumirumirumirumi

Definitely trying this. I played an IG FA deck with SSCG and the biggest problem I had was the time constraint. IG's ability is strong if you have the right cards to leverage it, but it makes the game drag on.

27 May 2015 x3r0h0ur

Clearly diversified portfolio merits testing. There's lots of ways to go with econ, which is what I believe speeds this ID up. Having to wait to trickle to rez+score range is what takes a while. The upside to going faster is that, obviously the runner will have to attack while less prepared. I think there's still lots of room for improvement but it performs well due to peoples inexperience vs IG.

28 May 2015 Dydra

@x3r0h0ur one very fundamental truth about this ID, that I came to as well ... " taxing both money and damage is the best " ...

When I was making my deck, I made one IG going really all the way on the Tax and then one going really on the damage ... since I couldn't decide what I want to bring to game night, I went with the IG deck, which I just made prior those 2 extremes - which is a mix of both.

To my biggest surprise, that was the best decision :) only 1 loss so far and it was up to some serious RNG ( 80% chance to win, 20% to lose and lost :) )

28 May 2015 Dydra

I'm pretty darn excited for next pack too though. That Jinteki ICE made me make PE, Nisei and Chrome City builds ... which I think all would be considerably strong.