So-So Ari (4th @ 🌞🦋)

Wentagon 389

My Ari list for the 2024 Summer Showdown, which I played alongside my favorite now-defunct R+ list to a 4th place finish.

I'm still not 100% happy with this list; there's this three way tension of the core engine being very strong BUT only if you can set it up, BUT that means you really want to be on 45 cards, BUT that means that tech cards come at the cost of that same core engine consistency.

I'm going to keep at it though; there is something undeniably strong in this shell (3 of the top 4 were Arissana lists). Watch me spend 4c trashing stuff and still end turn 1 with 18 credits here.

19 May 2024 ThatsNoMun

The ultimate kickflip delivery vehicle

19 May 2024 Diluvian

That turn was beautiful.

19 May 2024 Radiant

That turn was nuuuuuuuts

Great work, and congrats on the placement!

19 May 2024 FireRL (aka xFWx FIREBIRD)

/gif pouring gas on a forest fire

19 May 2024 Santa

That game highlight turn 1 was wild!

Grats on the run! You crushed it!

19 May 2024 BinkBonkle

Now watch this jpeg

22 May 2024 maninthemoon

Well done @Wentagon I seriously have play some games with this DL!!