NAPDMW: Recruiter

Gregory James 38

Cashstrolabe Stealth Kate

16 Jan 2016 sruman

With 3 SMC's and 3 clone chips, is it necessary to have 2 daggers and 2 refractors? You could probably drop those and add more econ.

20 Jan 2016 Gregory James

I was looking to instill a level of consistency that would aid the deck's inherent setup options. Econ has certainly been a semi-fluid set of slots but between my overall low cost of install and the highly efficient Cashe/Clone/Shop backing my 6 event econ slots, I've not found trashing assets to be a problem with my stealth rig. Often the struggle is to cope with tag heavy decks or unusual damage based builds that don't really rely on ice. Classic Shell game is a concern since I've removed the Box-E I was running before the NAPD Crackdown. Film Critic FTW! Real talk: How does it handle ETF Foodcoats/NEXT/Grail/Glacier, NBN FA, Butchershop, RP yada yada yada? You tell me.