Personal Devolution

CodeMarvelous 20021

My attempt at a jinteki flatline deck. Looking for feedback. Brain damage and hand size reduction for scorched earth or EMP kill.

6 May 2014 PeekaySK

I'd take less Komainus and more Katanas - remember that reducing handsize doesn't do anything to people that already have zero cards (unless you get them to -1, which is tricky, even with Hiro and Gyri).

Also, I feel like the Eli influence would be better used on Corporate Troubleshooter, possibly dropping one of the Jacksons for an additional copy. Seems like a lot of your plan hinges on making Inazuma or Gyri Labyrinth connect, this would be a way of doing that.

You can probably go with one less Psychic Field to fit the third Cerebral Cast - that card is somewhat unreliable, so you definitely want three copies.

Personally, my attempt at something like this has more Scorched and is running out of Nisei Division, but I can see this one working just fine, too.

6 May 2014 CodeMarvelous

this deck doesnt seem to flatline people but what it does do is destroy their deck so i can score agendas. after playtesting i think im gonna do -1 psychic field -1 jackson howard and eli for troubleshooters