Mill 'Em Ad Nauseum - a nearly naked Runner

scumblr 39

I've been playing this deck recently and I find it really exciting to play. I like it because it always presents you with a lot more options than might first appear.

The object is to relentlessly mill R&D, whether you run on it or not. Very low economy, but also low cost because it's nearly breakerless. There are few resources to trash if tagged and hopefully a Wyldside to keep you in cards (therefore health), so you can run by the seat of your pants.

Be aggressively Criminal, running to make money with Desperado and trashing as much as you can with Imp and Keyhole while building counters on Medium and Nerve Agent. Disrupt the corp's cashflow and make them rez expensive ice while you collect Datasucker tokens. Keep your sights on the Central servers. Kill big ice with a hot infusion of Parasite and Datasucker. If the corp kills your tokens, it's still a small victory-- they busted a whole turn to do it.

Can't run? Install lots of viruses. Scheherazade can hold 'em all and will pay you for the privilege. Each will mill R&D while they're at it. Cyberfeeders keep it cheap, Sacrificial constructs add a degree of safety.

Save your Inside Jobs to catch the corp by surprise. They'll think they've kept you out with an ice wall or whatever. Don't give them any reason to doubt it! Nothing is sweeter than hitting a big cache of Agendas in an archive protected with something monstrous. Darwin and a Surge can get you through a tight spot as well. It's slow and expensive though, taking at least two turns. Don't rely on it-- that's not what this deck is for.

Jackson Howard ruins this, right? Nah, just make the corp use him at inopportune times. Run on him, or run archives when you know there's only one Agenda. Make the decision excruciating!

I've considered trying to get some Gorman Drips in there for econ-- I find that corps playing vs this deck tend to need to click for cards a lot-- but with Scheherazade, some protection is necessary. Public sympathy is also tempting.

My next version might try to use Joshua B. and Data Leak Reversal to maximize opportunities against the corp while still profiting from the tag, but it might be too situational to be worth it.

20 Jan 2014 Delha
  1. Scheherazade doesn't give you extra memory.

  2. How do you dig up Darwin? I don't see any tutoring/etc in this list. Even with him, the corp can easily ice their centrals and wipe every every few turns to keep you out indefinitely.

  3. I'm not seeing how you force them to crack Jackson early. If they don't have much to protect, there's no reason to use him. If they are protecting big stuff, they clearly got value out of him (and probably mitigated a lot of your effort).

  4. No money and no plascrete? Sea + Scorch seems like it wrecks you pretty hard. Bounty + Scorch even more so.

20 Jan 2014 behemoth01

I'm with Delha; I'm playing a Noise with Djinn, Darwin and Crypsis (the former so I can tutor for the latter two) and I still struggle to make it into any server with barrier ice. Is your only way in really a couple of inside jobs and then Parasite+Datasucker?

20 Jan 2014 scumblr

I'd just say, give it a try. Judging by my plays, the milling really burns corp strategies. They're left trying to piece things together however they can. You can be all over the place costing them money, and their defences will be decidedly non-optimal. Taking damage is definitely something you'll do, even want to do. It's not that scary; 15 plays and I've not been flatlined yet, including plays against Jinteki PE and heavy Weyland decks. Don't think about getting in-- think about making it hard for them. You need to be erratic, keep them on the defensive, and make them feel very unsafe.

Anyway it's a stunt deck. I don't think it's competitive, it's just exhilarating to play.

20 Jan 2014 scumblr

Also it's really fun when you win and your opponent is like, "Do you even have any breakers?"

20 Jan 2014 x3r0h0ur

I think rather than spending time with desperado and all that, just run sahasrara and wyldside with aesops and quality time and just mill the crap out of them...using wyrm and parasite to take out ice entirely and keyhole R&D. Use whatever viruses show up from wyldeside where you can before they get fed to aesop. This makes more sense than mixing mill and aggressive running.

21 Jan 2014 entddata

fascinating stuff. definitely going to try this haha.

21 Jan 2014 weepinggorilla

I don't think 3x Scheherazade makes sense here, they don't do anything past the first, and (correct me if I'm wrong) they can't be used with Parasite at all.

21 Jan 2014 db0

Æsop seems like he belongs in this deck. He can eat empty imps, ending daily casts, sac constructs if they're not using destroyers, useless mimic/nerve agent if venue is locked up and so on.

22 Jan 2014 scumblr

Thanks @db0 and @x3r0h0ur, the Aesop tip is one I'm working into my next version, and is a much better splash than Desperado, which leaves room for Grimoire.

@weepinggorilla, the multiples were for consistency. Without many ways of making money, and no good way of tutoring Scher, multiples are necessary. If I keep her in the next version, she makes cheap fodder with 0 MU for Aesop, so who knows? Maybe she'll still be there in numbers.