Stego Don't - 2nd @ Nottingham CO

Nemamiah 3996

Warning - this deck might not be good. This might be attributable to it being a corp, but I think it's also less refined and solid than the various NBN decks floating around. I played it because it's a fun and engaging puzzle to play with, I've invested all my family savings in Wage Worker stocks, and I can't say Oppo with a straight face.

This is another good looking list plucked from APAC, this time Circle of Ants.

While the core combo of that deck is very compelling, you do have some problems with getting blasted on centrals while you assemble the stinky ants, and if you don't draw and score a Stegodon then you'll probably struggle. The idea of this list was to try to keep that original concept but combine it with a more traditional and consistent Asa package of potential fast advance and rush. That also lets you potentially use the Skunkworks to try not to lose on R&D while still presenting a viable scoring plan in the late game.

So some of the more exciting assets got trimmed, Wage Workers and a second Biotic got added, the ice got tweaked a bit to try to make that first score a bit easier, and all the influence went on Tatu Bola because it does a bunch of really silly stuff in Asa and is also incidental econ against decks like Sable that run 15 times every turn.

The most significant change is the agenda suite; I cut two Ikawah because it was soul wrenchingly painful every time I drew it, and adding Offworld Office means you have ten agendas you actually want to score and helps the econ a bit. At this point the rest of The Process team rebelled at the very thought of putting eleven agendas in a deck and went back to tuning various yellow decks.

The list you're left with is extremely tight on slots; in particular you'd love to fit a third Biotic, a Mavirus and a Lady Liberty in here if you could find a way to do so without critically compromising the structure of the deck.

Thanks to Koga and Unband for coming up with and publishing the first iteration of this list, but minus points for naming it after Formicary (uncool) instead of Stegadon (cool). Further thanks to everyone that I mentioned in my runner decklist.

13 Aug 2023 Council

Biotic probably does most of what Lady Lib does, and incidentally with Ikawah gone some of the Lady payoff goes too - thanks for taking good bAnts out for a spin. :)

13 Aug 2023 Council

And, if permitted, one more reference and case for the ants: