Pluto's Kiss

TheArchitect 7

Noise deck I'm running, it's basically virus based. Could use input on it.

3 Nov 2014 BJester
  1. I think sneakdoor is a bad card for noise. You are already putting pressure on archives with your ability alone, so investing a card slot and 3 influence to do the same thing is not needed imo.
  2. Why only one grimoire, and as a follow up question, why 2 mem chips? If you only have 1 core set, it's the best you can do but I don't think you really need 3-4 extra MU
  3. You say this deck is virus based yet most of your virusses are expensive or you will only install one(wyrm,darwin,cryp), so you can expect to mill around 11 cards, but more likely it will be between 4-8 in a game.

You're only answer to lotus field(Which almost is an auto include in most decks), is either darwin or crypsis, one is slow and the other is expensive. Maybe I don't see the point of this deck, but take a look at one of the noiseshop builds and work from there.

Really like gorman drip though, but I end up cutting it most of the time in my noise decks

8 Nov 2014 TheArchitect

Before you answer any of my questions know this, I have one core set and only a few of the data packs. 1. I see the point about the sneakdoor. What would you recommend instead? 2. Again, only one core set and the mem chips is because I have run out of MU quite a few times. 3. The viruses I use are the only ones that I have found that tend to do much. I want to focus it more though, what viruses do you think I should add?

The point of the deck was it was my first deck and I really just want to shape it into a fun, interesting deck.

Gorman drip doesn't do as much as I usually want it to though. It might come out because I didn't have the Kati Jones before.