Good looking corpse

cbob 20

I made this before MaxX, and MaxX is probably better at burning through cards as quickly as possible as she doesn't need to find the draw cards. On the other hand, here we get free barrier breaks so it's harder to keep us out, and we choose what we trash instead of it being arbitrary. On the gripping hand, we have no late game.

This deck is probably bad. I am not a smart man.

17 Dec 2014 dtelad11

Quetzal/Account Siphon is always fun - it capitalizes well on bad Corp draws and if they drop their guard for a turn they end up in the poorhouse. I'm surprised you're not squeezing a third AS, it's so important for the deck, I thikn you can safely drop an E3 and two Compromised Employee for it. Heck, while you're at it add Deja Vu and a third Same Old Thing, you want to Siphon as much as possible! Your econ seems a bit situational as well - and the resources mean that you cannot float tags as effectively. You might want to consider 3x Sure Gamble, 3x Dirty Laundry.