Silhouette - Notorious centrals Doppleganger

herod1204 394

Relatively simple deck. Centrals only breakers leading to milling R&D for agendas, the Femmes used to neutralise high cost sentries or other problem ice, the scavenges designed to reposition the femmes to allow me to access what the runner thinks are safe remotes quickly if needed. New Angeles enables me to avoid the tags from account siphon and keep Ms. Jones safe. Doppleganger allows multiple runs (i.e. double R&D runs) which also increases the chance of scoring a notoriety or two, something that irritates harmony medtech no end and goes a long way towards countering the pains of Shi-Kyu. It can struggle a bit late game especially once the corp has realised you are running centrals only, something Kati Jones goes a long way towards countering, but at that point, you can easily trash Jacksons where needed and out dig the corps draw from R&D.

I used to run emergency shutdown in it, but discovered I wasn't really using it at all, so threw New Angeles City Hall in instead to counter tag punishment. I ditched account siphon from the original deck, as I realised I just wasn't actually using it at all. Tempted to ditch forged activation orders too as I don't seem to actually get anything useful out of it, except prior knowledge for femme placement.